The phenomenon of "El Niño" is a known ocean-atmospheric disturbance, That happens every 3 to 8 years or every 10 to 11 years, because it is not always cyclical and without a standard pattern; happens when the ocean of the coasts of Peru warms by the transfer of the band of warm water coming from the coasts of the Western Pacific, hot waves or Kelvin waves, and occurs in different degrees of intensity. That is why after a strong and intense appears, Peru forgets that this phenomenon still continues.
It usually appears with increased cloudiness, torrential rains that generate floods, overflowing rivers, landslides (huaycos), which cause homes destruction, isolation of cities, affecting the livestock, agricultural and fishing activities, and can lead to loss of Lives and animals.
But, it can be prevented because it takes 3 or 4 months during the transport of the warm waters to the Peru Coasts.
But what happened this time? No one expected it!
The recent events that struck Peru in an untimely way and that has been felt in the last two and a half months were due, according to Dr. K. Takahashi, to the abrupt changes of the North winds that transferred warm currents from Ecuador towards the coastal zones, a phenomenon is known as "EL NIÑO COSTERO" (Coastal Niño).
This phenomenon is different from “El Niño” Central Pacific.
The increase in the temperature of the coastal areas of the Pacific Ocean was due to the variation of humidity, rainfall, but mainly due to the entry of the warm Central American winds that moved south and found no barrier, weak trade winds, the South Pacific anticyclone; they warmed the seas to 29 °C. Because there are superficial waters, they evaporated easily, producing intense and constant precipitations. This phenomenon happens only in the coasts of Ecuador and Peru.
This Phenomenon had already an intense occurs in the 20’s, but they thought that it could be another “Niño”.
It has had a coincidence with “El Niño”, indeed, “El Niño” and “El Niño Costero” occurred at the same time in 1998.
In Peru, the most affected regions were in northern Tumbes, Piura, Lambayeque, La Libertad; In the center Ica and Lima; In Amazonia Amazonas and San Martín, among others. (Mongabay 2017).
In Peru, the most affected regions were in northern Tumbes, Piura, Lambayeque, La Libertad; In the center Ica and Lima; In Amazonia Amazonas and San Martín, among others. (Mongabay 2017).
The most important thing to note is that cities settled in places not suitable for population growth, invading the natural path where natural hazards occur, as indicated by Dr. H. Tavera. That is why the term "natural disaster" should be corrected to only "disaster" because this is an event, the consequence of mismanagement in the face of a natural hazard.
Now, this was not predicted by seers; these are facts that will continue to occur, because nature continues with its cycle, as is normal.
What happened to the water? Was it just a scare?
The temporal shortage of water, due to the contamination of the treatment plants, was not; it can happen again and should be prevented. It should always have an additional water reserve in the home, use the resource efficiently, avoid bottled water consumption, and control our water footprint.
What can I do?
To prevent:
• Get informed
• Build your home in places that are less likely to be at risk, not on hillsides, slopes, river banks, or near to the sea.
• Rationalizes water.
• Have a survival pack and first aid kit available.
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